Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My understanding "Flexible learning"

Flexible learning has a new meaning. Flexibility is learning and adjusting to diverse situations.
It reaches a variety of people giving them the opportunity to engage in various types of learning and prioritising their needs.

Flexible learning offers opportunities focusing different areas such as :- technology, pedagogy, execution and institutional structure. It is more than distance education; involves resources, tutotials, communication and students learning ability.

Technology is an innovative way to learn and most learners take well to this system. We are not forget that some learners need the visual and the doing to make connections. Learners need options.

Pedagogy demonstrates how an individual can learn by having an organized content not necessarily facilitated face to face. Students can be more actively engaged and have focused outcomes by flexible learning. Their learning is based on higher level thinking, placing their evergy in analysis, evaluation and experimentation.

Execution of flexible learning is about awareness of how the learners can process information and retain it. Also, how an institution can reach more people and educate them successfully.

The focal point is the student and how an institution can reach a vast mass of people. It is about reaching the student and making sure they are learning. Finding out, what does the student need to achieve their goal?.

Flexible learning is discovering the students learning capabilities and response to different techniques. This will determine how to design a course with the interest to cater for a majority of learners.

Flexibility occurs within a perimeter. Although students will set their own schedules, they will need to provide the institution certain assessment criteria to be a participant and attend sessions or days to discuss their progress. Students will need to be monitor and make sure they comply with set course structures and complete all assessments.

Flexibility will have to be adjusted to make sure tutors have the appropriate time to deal with different expectations, resources, delivery, diversity and learning backgrounds. Good communication with students is vital.

An institution would want to make sure that these courses are feasible and successful not only for the organization but most definitely for the students learning capabilities and for their future.

Flexible learning is to be taken seriously as it is a step to a more discipline behaviour. It will be more self motivation involved and the responsibility for a more self directed system. Students will need to identify how much additional learning they are prepare to contribute to find new resources and enhance their learning and techniques.

Flexible learning is a new way of thinking. A responsible self estimulated, self motivated, self pace and achievable way with the freedom to apply creatively and successfully what has been learned.


1 comment:

Leigh Blackall said...

And out of the blue comes Bibiana!! What a post! Would be nice to see a link or reference at the end of each of these statements B... no worries, note for next time. Good job.